Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann
Dean, 1962-1983
Professor of Liturgical Theology, 1951-1983
Fr Alexander Schmemann, Dean of St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary in Crestwood, NY, and a leading Orthodox theologian, died in 1983 at the age of 62.
Born in 1921 in Estonia to a family of Russian emigres, he spent his youth in France, where he received his secondary and university education. He also completed theological studies at the Orthodox Theological Institute of St Sergius in Paris, which was then the center of Russian Orthodox scholarship following the turmoil of the Russian Revolution of 1917.
Ordained to the Orthodox priesthood in 1946, he taught church history at St Sergius until 1951, when he was invited to join the faculty of St Vladimir's in New York. He was quickly recognized as a leading exponent of Orthodox liturgical theology, which sees the liturgical tradition of the Church as a major sign and expression of the Christian faith.
Besides teaching at St Vladimir's, Fr Schmemann held positions of adjunct professor at Columbia University, New York University, Union Seminary, and General Theological Seminary in New York and was a popular guest lecturer at many universities throughout the country. He was also active as a representative of the Orthodox Church in the ecumenical movement, and held positions in the Youth Department and the Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches.
Dean of St Vladimir's Seminary from 1962, he was instrumental in educating a generation of Orthodox priests. During his tenure, the Seminary achieved wide recognition as a center of Orthodox theological studies.
In 1970, he was active in the establishment of the Orthodox Church in America as an autocephalous church, which at that time became officially independent from the Russian Orthodox Church, and dedicated itself to the unity of Orthodox ethnic jurisdictions in this country.
While committed to the cause of an Orthodox Church which would be united and American, Fr Schmemann always remained concerned with the fate of believers in the Soviet Union. For 30 years, his sermons were broadcast in Russian on "Radio Liberty" and gained Fr Schmemann a broad following across the Soviet Union. Alexander Solzhenitzyn, who while still in the Soviet Union was one of his auditors, remained his friend after emigrating to the West.
Fr Alexander published over a dozen books which received wide circulation, including For the Life of the World; Introduction to Liturgical Theology; Ultimate Questions; Church, World, Mission; and numerous articles and tracts. For the Life of the World, a popular volume on Christian faith as reflected in liturgy, has been translated into numerous languages and remains one of the most popular works on Christianity for the general public. He completed a major study on the Eucharist only weeks before his death.
He received his doctorate on July 5, 1959 from the Orthodox Theological Institute of St Sergius, Paris, on the dissertation "Tserkovny Ustav: Opyt Vvedeniia v Liturgicheskoe Bogoslovie" [The Church's Ordo: Introduction to Liturgical Theology]. He held honorary degrees from Butler University, General Theological Seminary, Lafayette College, Iona College, and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology.
For further information and links, please visit the commemorative article published at the 40th anniversary of Fr Schmemann's repose, and www.schmemann.org.
Books & Publications
- Propovedi i Besedy (Moscow: Palomnik 2000, 2000).
- The Journals of Father Alexander Schmemann, ed., trans. Juliana Schmemann (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 2000).
- Celebration of Faith, vol. 3: The Virgin Mary (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 1995).
- Celebration of Faith, vol. 2: The Church Year (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 1994).
- Celebration of Faith, vol. 1: I Believe (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 1991).
- The Eucharist: Sacrament of the Kingdom (Crestwood, NY: SVS, 1987).
- Za zhizn' mira, L. Volokhonskii, tr. (New York, Religious Books for Russia, 1983). [Russian trans. of For the Life of the World]
- Megale Sarakoste: poreia pros to Pascha (Orthodoxe martyria, 6), Helene Gkanoures, tr. (Athens: Akritas, 1981). [Greek trans. of Great Lent: Journey to Pascha]
- Velikkii Post (Paris: YMCA-Press, 1981). [Russian trans. of Great Lent: Journey to Pascha]
- Church, World, Mission: Reflections on Orthodoxy in the West (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 1979).
- Za zivot sveta: svetotajinska filosofija zivota (Belgrade: Pravoslavlje, 1979). [Serbian trans. of For the Life of the World]
- Great Lent, a School of Repentance: its Meaning for Orthodox Christians (New York: DRE/OCA, 1977).
- The Historical Road of Eastern Orthodoxy, Lydia Kesich, tr. (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 1977). [reprint]
- Ultimate Questions: an Anthology of Modem Russian Religious Thought (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 1977). [reprint]
- For Varldens liv (Uppsala: Bokforlaget Pro Veritate, 1976). [Swedish trans. of For the Life of the World]
- Of Water and the Spirit (London: SPCK 1976).
- Aus der Freude Leben: ein Glaubensbuch der Orthodoxen Christen, Margarete Zimmer, tr. (Olten, Freiburg im Breisgau: Walter-Verlag, 1974).
- Le Grand car�me; asc�se et liturgie dans l'Eglise orthodoxe, Spiritualit� orientale 13 (Bergrolles-en-Manges: Abbaye de Bellefontaine, 1974).
- Great Lent: Journey to Pascha (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 1974). [Rev. ed.]
- Liturgy and Life: Lectures and Essays in Christian Development through Liturgical Experience (New York, DRE/OCA, 1974).
- Maailman elaman edesta: sakramentit ja Ortodoksisuus (Kuopio: Ortodoksinen Veljesto, 1974). [Finnish trans. of For the Life of the World]
- Of Water and the Spirit: A Liturgical Study of Baptism (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 1974).
- For the Life of the World: Sacraments and Orthodoxy (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 1973).
- Sullri Paasto, Maria Iltola, Matti Sidoroff, trs. (Kuopio: Ortodoksinen Veljesto, 1973).
- Gia na zese ho kosmos (Athens, 1970). [Greek trans. of For the Life of the World]
- Great Lent (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 1969).
- Il Mondo come Sacramento (Brescia: Queriniana, 1969). [Italian trans. of The World as Sacrament]
- Pour la vie du monde (Paris: Descl�e de Brouwer, 1969).
- Russian Theology, 1920-1965: a Bibliographical Survey (Union Theological Seminary in Virginia Annual Bibliographical Lecture, 7th, 1969) (Richmond, VA: Union Theological Seminary in Virginia, 1969).
- Introduction to Liturgical Theology (Library of Orthodox Theology, 4), tr. Asheleigh E. Moorhouse (London: Faith Press; Portland, ME: American Orthodox Press, 1966).
- The World as Sacrament (London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1966).
- Sacraments and Orthodoxy (New York: Herder & Herder, 1965).
- Tainstva i Pravoslavie (New York: Chekhov, 1965).
- Ultimate Questions: an Anthology of Modern Russian Religious Thought (New York: Holt, Reinhart and Winston, 1965).
- For the Life of the World (New York: National Student Christian Federation, 1963).
- The Historical Road of Eastern Orthodoxy, Lydia Kesich, tr. (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963; Chicago: Henry Regnery, 1966).
- Holy Week: a Liturgical Explanation for the Days of Holy Week, Orthodox Worship, n. 3 (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 1961).
- Vvedenie v liturgicheskoe bogoslovie, 11-12, 1960, III-IV, 3-15 (Paris: YMCA-Press, 1961).
- La Primaut� de Pierre dans l'Eglise orthodoxe (Neuchatel: Delachaux & Niestle, 1960).
- Istoricheskii put" Pravoslaviia (New York: Izdatelstvo im. Chekhova, 1954).
- Tainstvo kreshcheniia (Paris: Izdatelstvo TSerkovnago viestnika 1951).
- TSerkov' i tserkovnoe ustroistvo: po povodu knigi prof. Pol'skago "Kanonicheskoe polozhenie vysshei tserkovnoi vlasti v SSSR i zagranitsei" (Paris: izd. TSerkovnago viestnika, 1949).
- "Fr Schmemann's Acceptance [of the Antonian Medal of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North and South America]," The Word 27:8 (Oct. 1983), 18-20.
- "Lent: the Journey to Pascha," Russian Orthodox Journal 54:10 (Mar. 1982) 10-11, 23.
- "He Semasia tes paradoseos gia ten ananeose tes christianikes zoes kai pisteos Amerikes," Synaxe 1 (1982), 24-28.
- "Th�ologie liturgique: remarques methodologiques" in La Liturgie, son sens, esprit, sa methode: liturgie et th�ologie (Conferences Saint-Serge, Semaine d'etudes liturgiques, 23) (Roma, Edizioni Liturgiche, 1982), 297-303.
- "This is the Blessed Sabbath [Introduction]," Matins of Holy Saturday (Syosset, NY, DRE/OCA, 1982), 3-15.
- "Twenty Years in Crestwood, NY:" in 13th Annual Orthodox Education Day (Crestwood, NY: St Vladimir's Theological Foundation, 1982).
- "Monastic Liturgy, the Church, and the Kingdom," Gleanings 12 (1981), 9-14.
- "Pered Novym Godom," Novoye Russkoe Slovo 1981.
- "Pered Rozhdestvom," Russkaia Mysl' 3341 (Jan. 1, 1981), 10.
- "Sermon For Pentecost," Sourozh No. 4, May 1981, pp. 1-6.
- "The Services of Christmas," [Introduction to] The Services of Christmas (Syosset, NY: DRE/OCA, 1981), v-ix.
- "The Liturgical Structure of Lent," Russian Orthodox Journal 52:3 (Mar. 1980) 4-6 [Reprint of Mar. 1978 article].
- "Orthodox Marriage and Family: the Mystery of Love," in 11th Annual Orthodox Education Day (Crestwood, NY: St Vladimir's Theological Foundation, 1980).
- "Papisto ja maallikot," Ortodoskia 29 (1980), 96-104.
- "Tainstvo vospominaniia," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 132 (1980), 24-41.
- "Orthodox Christianity," Sign 59 (1979), 28-31.
- "Isa Kristuksessa," in Isa Kristuksessa: Arkkipiispa Paavali juhlakirja 28.9 (1979), Kuopio, 199-200.
- "On Solzhenitsyn," in Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: Critical Essays and Documentary Materials, John B. Dunlop, Richard Haugh, Alexis Klimoff, eds. (New York: Collier Books, 1979), 28-40; also: "A Lucid Love," 382-392; and "Reflections on The Gulag Archipelago," 515-526.
- "Na pereput'i," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 129 (1979), 5-13.
- "Na Zlobu Dnia," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 130 (1979), 237-246.
- "Ot Redaktsii: k preodoleniiu krizia (pis'mo chlenam Dvizheniia)," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 128 (1979), 3-4.
- "Pamiati V.V. Veidle," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 129 (1979), 175-179.
- "Radost': priniatie v Pravoslavie obiteli Novii Skit," in Ezhegodnik Pravoslavnoi Tserkvii v Amerike, 6-8; same in Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 128 (1979), 97-99.
- "Reception dans l'orthodoxie de la communaut� du Nouveau Skite," Le Messager orthodoxe 82 (1979), 24-26.
- "Tainstvo blagodareniia," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 130 (1979), 8-25.
- "A Debate on the Western Rite," (with Andrew Sopko) St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 24 (1978), 253-269.
- "Dnes' blagodat' Sv. Dukha nas sobra," Ezhegodnik Pravoslavnoi TSerkvi v Amerike (1978) 3-10.
- "Father Schmemann Visits Cairo, Egypt," The Orthodox Church 14:4 (Apr. 1978) 3.
- "Iznad levicarstva' u religiji," Teoloskipogledi 11:3 (1978), 141-148.
- "The Liturgical Structure of Lent," Russian Orthodox Journal 51:10 (Mar. 1978) 4-6.
- "Mitropolit Feodosii na intronizatsii novogo Papy," NRS (7 September 1978), 1.
- "Ozhidanie: pamiati Vladimira Sergeevicha Varshavskogo," Kontinent 1978.
- "The Problem of the Church's Presence in the World in Orthodox Consciousness," in Proc�s verbaux du Deuxieme congres de th�ologie orthodoxe d'Athene, 19-29 Ao�t 1976, Ath�nes, 1978, 236-248.
- "Sacrifice and Worship," Parabola 3:2 (1978) 60-65.
- "Tainstvovoznosheniia," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 124 (1978), 11-20.
- "Cinqui�me Concile de l'Eglise d'Am�rique," Le Messager orthodoxe 77 (1977), 46-49.
- "Fr Schmemann in Mexico City," The Orthodox Church 13:1 (Jan. 1977), 4.
- "Interview du p�re Alexandre Schmemann," Le Messager orthodoxe 77 (1977), 39-45.
- "V Sobor Amerikanskoi TSerkvi," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 123 (1977), 32-34.
- "Prazdnik na Aliaske," Ezhegodnik Pravoslavnoi Tserkvii v Amerike (1977), 20-26.
- "The Problem of the Church's Presence in the World in Orthodox Consciousness," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 21 (1977), 3-17.
- "Tainstvo Edinstva," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 122 (1977), 29-44.
- "Unless the Lord Builds the House ...," in Orthodox Education Day '77 (Crestwood, NY: St Vladimir's Theological Foundation, 1977).
- "The East and the West May Yet Meet," in Against the World for the World: the Hartford Appeal and the Future of American Religion, Peter L. Berger and Richard John Neuhaus, eds. (New York: Seabury Press, 1976), 126-137.
- "Great and Holy Saturday [Introduction]," Great and Holy Saturday (Syosset, NY: DRE/OCA, 1976), 3-7. [Reprinted, 1981]
- "Otvet Solzhenitsynu," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 117 (1976), 121-135.
- "Pravoslavie i amerikanskii iubilei," Ezhegodnik Pravoslavnoi TSerkvi v Amerike (1976) 3-7.
- "Tainstvo Edinstva," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 119 (1976), 59-70.
- "Christ is Risen!" in Preaching about Death: Eighteen Sermons Dealing with the Experience of Death from the Christian Perspective, Alton M. Motter, ed. (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1975), 69-71.
- "Dedication: Patriarch Tikhon, 1925-1975," Orthodox America 1794-1976: Development of the Orthodox Church in America, Constance J. Tarasar and John H. Erickson, eds. (Syosset, NY: Orthodox Church in America/Dept. of History and Archives, 1975), 9-10; also: "To Love is to Remember," 11-13; "Signs of New Growth, 1950-1965," 229-231; "Autocephaly," 261-264.
- "Mary, the Archetype of Mankind," The University of Dayton Review 11 (1975), 79-84.
- "Patriarch Tikhon, 1925-1975," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 19 (1975), 3-6.
- "La Semaine sainte" in Le Myst�re pascal: commentaires liturgiques (Spiritualit� orientate, 16) (Begrolles-en-Manges: Abbaye de Bellefontaine, 1975).
- "Tainstvo Prinosheniia," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 116 (1975), 8-35.
- "Aspects historiques du cutle {sic} orthodoxe: difference entre les typika monastiques et paroissiaux," Epistemonike epeteris Theologikes Scholes (Thessaloniki, 1974), 357-365.
- "The Liturgical Sturcture of Lent," Russian Orthodox Journal 47:9 (Feb. 1974) 4-6.
- "On the Gulag Archipelago," in Symposium on Alexandr Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago (New York: Association of Russian-American Scholars in USA, 1974) 15-19.
- "Pentecost: the Feast of the Church" [Introduction to] The Vespers of Pentecost (Syosset, NY: DRE/OCA, 1974).
- "Po povodu dvukh statei," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 112/113 (1974), 91-98.
- "Le sacrement de la par�le," Le Messager Orthodoxe, 68/69 (1974), 3-19.
- "Tainstvo vernykh," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 114 (1974), 13-28.
- "Tainstvo slova," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 112/113 (1974), 40-43.
- "Tainstvo vkhoda," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 111 (1974), 33-44.
- "Aspects historiques du culte orthodoxe: difference entre les typika monastiques et paroissiaux," Irenikon 46 (1973), 5-15.
- "Concerning Women's Ordination-a Letter to an Episcopalian Friend," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 17 (1973), 239-243.
- "La culte divin a l'age de la secularisation," Istina 18 (1973), 403- 417
- "Ivan M. Czap," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 17 (1973), 290.
- "Kakova 'mera nepravdy'?," Pravoslavnaia Rus' 44:20/1021 (15/28 Oct. 1973), 12.
- "Mera nepravdy," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 108/109/110 (1973), 142-143.
- "On the Question of Liturgical Practices-a Letter to My Bishop," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 17 (1973), 227-238.
- "Le Sacrement du Royaume," Le Messager orthodoxe 108/109/110 (1973), 24- 35.
- "Skazochnaia kniga," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 108/109/110 (1973), 169-173.
- "Some Post-Council Thoughts," The Orthodox Church 9:10 (Dec. 1973) 8.
- "Tainstvo sobraniia," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 107 (1973), 15-28.
- Tainstvo TSarstva," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 108/109/110 (1973), 24-35.
- "Alexandre Solzhenitsyne," Le Messager orthodoxe 53 (1971), 21-39.
- "Days of Light and Joy," Kanadskii pravoslavnyi kalendar' (1971), 77-81.
- "A Meaningful Storm: Some Reflections on Autocephaly, Tradition and Ecclesiology," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 15 (1971), 3-27.
- "La Semaine sainte," Le Messager orthodoxe 55/56 (1971), 3-28.
- "Siia est' blagoslovennaia subbota (ob utreni Velikoi Subboty)" Russko-Amerikanskii Pravoslavnyi Vestnik 67:3 (Mar. 1971) 36-40.
- "Tri obraza," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 101/102 (1971), 9-24.
- "Znamenatel'naia buria: neskol'ko myslei ob avtokefalii, tserkovnom predanii i ekkieziologii," Vestnik Russkogo Zapadno-evropeiskogo Patriarshego Ekzarkhata 75/76 (July/Dec.1971) 196-225.
- "Zriachaia Uubov'," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 100 (1971), 141-152.
- "Days of Light and Joy," The Orthodox Church 8:7 (Aug./Sept. 1970), 5-6.
- "Dni radosti i sveta," Russko-Amerikanskii Pravoslavnyi Vestnik 66:9 (Sept. 1970) 134-142.
- "O Solzhenitsyne" Vestnik Russkogo Zapadno-evropeiskogo Patriarshego Ekzarkhata 98 (1971), 72-77.
- "On Mariology in Orthodoxy," Marian Library Studies, n.s. 2 (1971), 25-32.
- "Proslavienie prep. Germana Aliaskinskogo: dni radosti i sveta," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 97 (1971), 152-156.
- "Sacraments, an Orthodox Presentation," in Evangelium und Sakrament (Oecumenica: Jahrbuch f�r okumenische Forschung, 1970), (Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1970), 94-107.
- "Debate on the Liturgy: Liturgical Theology, Theology of Liturgy and Liturgical Reform," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 13 (1969), 217-224.
- "Neskol'ko myslei po povodu 'Skorbnogo poslaniia' MitropolitaFilareta," Russko-Amerikanskii Pravoslavnyi Vestnik 65:11 (Nov. 1969) 171-176.
- "O tseli zhizni," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 91/92 (1969), 14-16.
- "Otvet Vitse-Predsedatelia R.S.Kh.D. prot. Aleksandra Shmemana na pis'mo, poluchennoe iz Rossii," Russko-Amerikanskii Pravoslavnyi Vestnik 65:10 (Oct. 1969), 159-160.
- "Prayer, Liturgy, and Renewal," Greek Orthodox Theological Review 14 (1969) 7-16.
- "The 'Sorrowful Epistle' of Metropolitan Philaret," The Orthodox Church 5:9 (Nov. 1969), 5, 8.
- "Thoughts for the Jubilee," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 13 (1969), 95-102.
- "Tri Mitropolita," in Zhizn' i trudy Mitropolita Leontiia (New York: Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church of America, 1969), 227-234.
- "A Brief Response" [Notes and Comments], St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 12 (1968), 173-174.
- "Mary in the Eastern Liturgy," Marian Studies 19 (1968), 76-83.
- "O puti bogoslovskoi shkoly: k tridtsatiletiiu Sv.-Vladimirskoi Dukhovnoi Akademii," Russko-Amerikanskii Pravoslavnyi Vestnik 64:9 (Sept. 1968) 130-135.
- "Otvet vitse-predsedateli R.S.Kh.D. prot. Aleksandra Shmemana na pis'mo, poluchennoe iz Rossii," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 89/90 (1968), 3-5.
- "Priere, liturgie et renouveau," in La Th�ologie du renouveau (Paris: Cerf, 1968), v. 2, 105-114.
- "Autorit� et libert� dans l'Eglise," Le Messager orthodoxe 40/41 (1967), 40-53.
- "Avtoritet i svoboda v TSerkvi," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 85 (1967), 4-16.
- "Ecclesiological Notes," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 11 (1967), 35-39.
- "Orthodoxy and America," The Orthodox Church 3:9 (Nov. 1967), 7.
- "The Orthodox Tradition," in The Convergence of Traditions (New York: Herder and Herder, 1967), 11-37.
- "50 let tragedii Russkoi Pravoslavnoi TSerkvi," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 85 (1967),1-3.
- "Private Enterprise Enters Parish Life," The Orthodox Church 3:1 (Jan. 1967) 5.
- "Response to Professors Burghardt and Minear: an Orthodox View," Theological Education 3 (1967),317-318.
- "Three Levels of Restoration," The Orthodox Church 3:3 (Mar. 1967) 5.
- "The Way to absolution," The Orthodox Church 3:2 (Feb. 1967) 5.
- "A. Akhmatova," Novyi zhurnal 83 (1966), 84-92.
- "Dimensions of Byzantine Spirituality," John XXIII Lectures 1 (1966),1-18.
- "Eastern Orthodoxy," The Word 10:2 (Feb. 1966) 8-10.
- "Father Nicholas Afanasiev," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 10 (1966), 209.
- "Freedom in the Church," in The Word in History: the St Xavier symposium, T. Patrick Barte, ed. (New York: Sheed & Ward, 1966), 120-132.
- "Great Lent," The Orthodox Church 2:3 (Mar. 1966) 8.
- "Impossible Orthodoxy," The Orthodox Church 2:5 (May 1966) 5.
- "Liturgical Spirituality of the Sacraments," John XXIII Lectures 2 (1966),19-33.
- "Le Moment de verit� pour l'Orthodoxie," in Un Nouvel Age oecum�nique: �tudes du Centre international d'information et de documentation sur l'�glise conciliaire (Paris: Editions du Centurion, 1966).
- "The Narrow Way," The Orthodox Church 2:9 (Nov. 1966), 5.
- "Orthodoxy and America," The Word 10:6/7 (June-September 1966), 13.
- "Un fin et un commencement" Le Messager orthodoxe 33-34 (1966),1-11, 11-16.
- "Pamiati ottsa Nikolaia Afanas'eva," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 82 (1966), 65-68.
- "Po povodu parizhskikh tserkovnykh del (vyderzhki iz pis'ma)," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 82 (1966), 65-68.
- "Roll of Honor," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 10 (1966), 7-8.
- "The Roots of the Crisis," The Orthodox Church 2:6 (June/July 1966), 5.
- "The Secularist Reduction of the Parish," The Orthodox Church 29 (Nov. 1966) 5.
- "The Secularist Reduction of the Person," The Orthodox Church 2:8 (Oct. 1966), 5.
- "Synchronos kosmos kai ekklesiastike latreia," Synoro 37 (Spring 1966) 3-11.
- "The Task of Orthodox Theology in America Today," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 10 (1966),180-188.
- "An Unconscious Surrender," The Orthodox Church 2:7 (Aug./Sept. 1966), 5.
- "Bishop Cassian Bezobrazov," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 9 (1965), 39.
- "The Great Lent," The Orthodox Church 1:1 (Mar. 1965), 6.
- "Konets i nachalo," in Na temy russkie i obshchie: sbornik statei i materialov v chest', prof. N. S. Timasheva, N. P. Poltorstskii, ed. (New York: izd. Ob-va Druzei Russkoi Kul'tury, 1965), 73-78.
- "A Letter to a Future Priest," The Word 9:2 (Feb. 1965) 10-11.
- "Lev Aleksandrovich Zander," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 9 (1965), 40.
- "The Orthodox Tradition," in The Convergence of Traditions, Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Elmer O'Brien, ed. (New York: Herder & Herder, 1965), 11-37.
- "Problems of Orthodoxy in America: III. The Spiritual Problem," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 9 (1965),171-193.
- "The Sobor: Test of Our Maturity," The Orthodox Church 1:7 (Aug./Sept. 1965) 7.
- "Something to Think About," The Word 9:3 (Mar. 1965), 13.
- "World as Sacrament," in Cosmic Piety: Modern Man and the Meaning of the Universe, Christopher Derrick, ed. (New York: P. J. Kennedy & Sons, 1965), 119-139.
- "K 40 letiiu Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 72/73 (1964), 71-72.
- "Le Moment de v�rit� pour l'Orthodoxie," Contacts 16:45 (1964), 4-15.
- "Problems of Orthodoxy in America: 1. The Canonical Problem," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 8 (1964), 67-85.
- "Problems of Orthodoxy in America: II. The Liturgical Problem," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 8 (1964),164-185.
- "Religious Persecutions in Russia," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 8 (1964), 49.
- "TSerkov' posle apostolov," Kanadskii pravoslavnyi kalendar' (1964), 50-54.
- "Eisagoge eis ten leitourgian" in He Leitourgia mas: treis meletai (Athens: Zoe, 1963), 57-87.
- "Moment of Truth for Orthodoxy," in Unity in Mid-Career: an Ecumenical Critique, Keith R. Bridston and Walter D. Wagoner, eds. (New York: Macmillan, 1963), 47-56.
- "Iz lektsii po pastyrskomu bogosloviiu," Russko-Amerikanskii Pravoslavnyi Vestnik 58:5 (May 1962) 68-69, 58:7 (July 1962) 101-103.
- "Mesto bogosluzheniia v religioznom vospitanii," Russko-Amerikanskii Pravoslavnyi Vestnik 58:1 (Jan. 1962) 5-7; 58:2 (Feb. 1962) 43-45; 58:3 (Mar. 1962) 53-55.
- "Nachalo tserkvi," Kanadskii pravoslavnyi kalendar' (1962), 59-62.
- "Ob ispovedi," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 65 (1962), 37-44.
- "PosviashchenieBogu," Russko-Amerikanskii Pravoslavnyi Vestnik 58:12 (Dec. 1962) 180-181.
- "The Standing Conference of Orthodox Bishops in America," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 6 (1962), 42-43.
- "Rhodes," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 6 (1962), 43.
- "The Seventh Meeting of the Standing Conference of Bishops," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 6 (1962), 93-95.
- "Towards a Theology of Councils," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 6 (1962), 170-184.
- "Theologia kai eucharistia," in Theologia: Aletheia kai Zoe (Pneumatikon Symposion) (Athens: Zoe, 1962), 89-128.
- "The Beginning of the Cross," The Christian Way 1:3 (Mar. 1961) 3-6.
- "The Missionary Imperative in the Orthodox Tradition," in The Theology of the Christian Mission, Gerald H. Anderson, ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1961), 250-257.
- "O poniatii pervenstva v pravoslavnoi eikleziologii," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 60 (1961), 28-42; 62/63 (1961), 51-65.
- "Pasternak," Volnaia mysl' 3 (1961), 18-25.
- "Test Everything, Hold Fast to What is Good," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 5:1/2 (1961), 2.
- "Some Reflections on Confession," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 5:3 (1961), 38-44.
- "A Permanent Home for St Vladimir's," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 5:4 (1961), 2.
- "Theology and Eucharist," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 5:4 (1961), 10-23.
- "Le sacrament du bapteme" Le Messager orthodoxe 13 (1961), I, 28-34; II, 20-24.
- "Archimandrite Cyprian Kern," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 4:1 (1960), 50.
- "Episcopatus Unus Est" St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 4:4 (1960), 26-29.
- "The Idea of Primacy in Orthodox Ecclesiology," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 4:2/3 (1960), 49-75.
- "The Liturgical Revival and the Orthodox Church," in The Eucharist & Liturgical Renewal, Massey Hamilton Shepherd, Jr., ed (New York: Oxford University Press, 1960) 115-132.
- "Liturgiia vernykh," Kanadskii pravoslavnyi kalendar' (1960), 52-55, 58.
- "Professor A. V. Kartashoff," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 4:2/3 (1960), 89-90.
- "TSerkovnyi ustav: opyt wedeniia v liturgicheskoe bogoslovie," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 57 (1960), 7-25.
- "Umer Pasternak," Novyi zhurnal 60 (1960), 5.
- "Byzantium, Iconoclasm and the Monks," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 3:3 (1959), 18-34.
- "The Church is Hierarchical," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 3:4 (1959), 36-41.
- "Fast and Liturgy," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 3:1 (1959), 2-9.
- "Istoriia i simvolika Paskhi," Russko-Amerikanskii Pravoslavnyi Vestnik 55:5 (May 1959) 65-66.
- "Iz lektsii po Pastyrskomu Bogosloviiu," Russko-Amerikanskii Pravoslavnyi Vestnik 55:11 (Nov. 1959), 167-169.
- "The Liturgical Structure of Lent," Russian Orthodox Journal 32:11 (Mar. 1959), 6-8.
- "Nachalo dvadtsat' pervago uchebnago goda v Sv. Vladimirskoi Dukhovnoi Akademii," Russko-Amerikanskii Pravoslavnyi Vestnik 55:11 (Nov. 1959) 166-7.
- "Okonchanie uchebnago goda v Sv. Vladimirskoi Dukhovnoi Akademii," Russko-Amerikanskii Pravoslavnyi Vestnik 55:9 (Sept. 1959) 134-6.
- "On Orthodox Worship," in For Better Teaching: Teacher Training Manual for Orthodox Church Schools (Bulletin of Orthodox Christian Education 3:2) 1959, 65-102.
- "The Orthodox Church, the World Council and Rome," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 3:2, 40; 3:3, 45-46.
- "Orthodoxy and Mission," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 3:4 (1959), 41-42.
- "Piatidesiatnitsa-prazdnik tserkvi," Kanadskii pravoslavnyi kalendar' (1959), 42-47.
- "Pis'mo Prof. Prot. A. Shmemana na imia Mitropolita Leontiia," Russko-Amerikanskii Pravoslavnyi Vestnik 55:12 (Dec. 1959) 189-190.
- "The Place of Liturgies in Christian Education," The Word 2:4 (Apr. 1959) 7-10; 29.
- "Po povodu budushchago Rimskago Sobora," Russko-Amerikanskii Pravoslavnyi Vestnik 55:2 (Feb. 1959), 29-30; 55:4 (Apr. 1959) 60-62.
- "Rome, the Ecumenical Council and the Orthodox Church -- Possibilities and Impossibilities," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 3:2 (1959), 2-5.
- "Siia est' blagoslovennaia subbota (ob utreni Velikoi Subboty)," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 52 (1959), 15-22.
- "Unit�, separation, reunion," Contacts 11:26 (1959), 73-88.
- "Clergy and Laity in the Orthodox Church" (Orthodox Life, 1) (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 1959).
- "Bogosluzhenie i vremia," Kanadskii pravoslavnyi kalendar' (1958), 56-61.
- "Orthodox Agony in the World Council," Christianity Today 2 (20 Jan. 1958) 3-4.
- "Report on Oberlin," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 2:1 (1958), 36-41.
- "Some Remarks on Pastoral Theology," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 2:1 (1958), 50-54.
- "This is the Blessed Sabbath ... (Matins of Great Saturday)," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 2:2 (1958),2-8.
- "Vladimir Lossky," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 2:2 (1958), 47-48.
- "The Western Rite," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 2:4 (1958), 37-38.
- "The Fourth Liturgical Week at St Sergius in Paris," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 1:3 (1957), 46-47.
- "Liturgical Theology: Its Task and Method," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 1:4 (1957), 16-27.
- "O zadachie i metodie Liturgicheskago Bogosloviia," in Sbornik statei ko dniu piatidesiatilietiia episkopskago sluzheniia Vysokopreosviclshchennieishago Mitropolita Vladimira, 1907-1957 (TSerkovnyi Vestnik 2[66] [1957]), 115-135.
- "Paskha i kreshchenie v drevnei tserkvi," Kanadskii pravoslavnyi kalendar' (1957), 72-75.
- "The Sacrament of Baptism," The Word 1:1 (Jan. 1957) 8-12; 1:2 (Feb. 1957) 36-40, 47.
- "St Mark of Ephesus and the Theological Conflicts of Byzantium," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 1:1 (1957), 11-24.
- "Trying the Spirits," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 1:1 (1957), 3-4.
- "The Unity of Orthodoxy," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 1:4 (1957), 2-3.
- "Doklad po voprosu o podgotovke uchitelei i uchitel'nits voskreshnykh shkol pri prikhodakh Russkoi Pravoslavnoi TSerkvi v Amerike," Russko-Amerikanskii Pravoslavnyi Vestnik 52:6 (June 1956) 123-124.
- "IUbilei Professora A. A. Bogolepova," Russko-Amerikanskii Pravoslavnyi Vestnik 52:2 (Feb. 1956) 35-36.
- "Nachalo uchebnago goda v Sv. Vladimirskoi Dukhovnoi Akademii," Russko-Amerikanskii Pravoslavnyi Vestnik 52:10 (Oct. 1956) 193-194.
- "'Obednitza': a False Solution to a Simple Problem," Russian Orthodox Journal 30:1 (May 1956) 4; 28.
- "Prepodobnyi Serafim," Russko-Amerikanskii Pravoslavnyi Vestnik 52:8 (Aug. 1956) 152-154.
- "O khristianskoi liubvi," Kanadskii pravoslavnyi kalendar' (1955), 57-59.
- "Christmas in Orthodox Worship," Russian Orthodox Journal 28:8 (Dec. 1954) 6-7.
- "The Eucharist and the Doctrine of the Church," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 2:2 (1954), 7-12.
- "The Mystery of Easter," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 2:3 (1954), 16-22.
- "Notes on Evanston," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 3:1/2 (1954), 58-60.
- "Bogosluzhenie i vremia," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 29 (Jly/Aug. 1953), 3-8.
- "Byzantine Theocracy and the Orthodox Church," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 1:2 (1953), 5-22.
- "Kanonicheskoe polozhenie Russkoi Pravoslavnoi TSerkvi v Sev. Amerike," Russko-Amerikanskii Pravoslavnyi Vestnik 49:6 (June 1953) 90-92; 49:7 (July 1953) 106-108; 49:8 (Aug. 1953) 116-118.
- "O tserkvi," in Pravoslavie v zhtzni: sbornik statei, S. Verhovskoy, ed. (New York: Izdatelstvo im. Chekhova, 1953), 57-83.
- "Pentecost, the Feast of the Church," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 1:3/4 (1953), 38-42.
- "Piatyi vselenskii sobor (553-1953)," Russko-Amerikanskii Pravoslavnyi Vestnik 49:5 (May 1953) 72-74.
- "Role of Honour," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 1:3 (1953), 5-11.
- "La Theocratie byzantine et l'Eglise orthodoxe," Dieu vivant 25 (1953), 36-53.
- "Address ... at the Metropolitan District Convention held on October 26, 1952," Russian Orthodox Journal 26:10 (Feb. 1952) 5-6, 18.
- "Bogosluzhenie i bogosluzhebnaia praktika," TSerkovnyi Vestnik 2(35) (1952), 5-9.
- "Doklad Ego Vysokopreosviashchenstvu, Vysokopreosviashcheneishemu Mitropolitu LEONTIIU, Rektoru Akademii, o zhizni Sv. Vladimirskoi Dukhovnoi Akademii za pervoe polugodie 1951-52 uchebnago goda," Russko-Amerikanskii Pravoslavnyi Vestnik 48:4 (Apr. 1952) 60-61.
- "Epilog," TSerkovnyi Vestnik 5(38) (1952), 3-7.
- "Liturgiia vernykh," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia I (Jan./Feb. 1952), 5-11.
- "Liturgiia (Evkharistiia)," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 2 (Mar./Apr. 1952), 12-18.
- "Nachalo uchebnago goda v Sv. Vladimirskoi Dukhovnoi Akademii," Russko-Amerikanskii Pravoslavnyi Vestnik 48:10 (Oct. 1952), 161-162.
- "Post i liturgiia," TSerkovnyi Vestnik 4(37) (1952), 6-15.
- "Liturgiia," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia I (Jan./Feb. 1951), 1-6; 2 (Mar./ Apr. 1951), 3-6.
- "Liturgiia vernykh," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 6 (Nov./Dec. 1951), 6-12.
- "Neizdaniloe proizvedeme sv. Marka Effesskago 'O voskresenii'," Pravoslavnaia mysl', trudy Pravoslavnogo Bogoslovkogo Instituta v Parizhe 8 (1951), 137-154.
- "Un Oeuvre in�dite de St Marc d'Eph�se, Peri Anastaseos," Theologia 22 (1951), 51-64.
- "'Unity', 'Division', 'Reunion' m the Light of Orthodox Ecclesiology," Theologia 22 (1951), 242-254.
- "Vselenskii Patriarkh i Pravoslavnaia TSerkov'," TSerkovnyi Vestnik 1(28) (1951) 3-12.
- "Liturgiia," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 2 (Mar./Apr. 1951), 9-13; 4/5 (Jul/Oct. 1951), 14-20; 6 (Nov./Dec. 1950), 1-10.
- "O 'neo-papizmie'," TSerkovnyi Vestnik 5(26) (1950), 11-18.
- "Spor o TSerkvi," TSerkovnyi Vestnik 2(23) (1950), 9-17.'
- "Tainstvo Paskhi," Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 6 (Mar./Apr. 1950), 7-13.
- "O liturgii, 1: O ponimanii liturgii" Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 11-12 (Nov./Dec. 1949), 20-25.
- "Dogmaticheskii soiuz," Pravoslavnaia mysl', trudy Pravoslavnogo Bogoslovkogo Instituta v Parizhe 6 (1948), 170-183.
- "Paskha i kreshchenie v drevnei TSerkvi," TSerkovnyi Vestnik 11 (1948), 6-9.
- "TSerkov', emigratsiia, natsional'nost," TSerkovnyi Vestnik 10 (1948), 7-12.
- "TSerkov' i tserkovnoe ustroistvo," TSerkovnyi Vestnik 15 (1948), 2-8; 17, 11-17 (1949); 19 (1949), 3-10.
- "Piatidesiatnitsa-prazdnik TSerkvi," TSerkovnyi Vestnik 7 (1947), 3-7.
- "Sud'ba vizantiiskoi teokratii," Pravoslavnaia mysl', trudy Pravoslavnogo Bogoslovkogo Instituta v Parizhe 5 (1947), 130-146.