My Campus
Welcome to “My Campus,” your student portal. Log in to access electronic resources for your courses, community forums, technical support, and more.
The Father Georges Florovsky Library represents one of the major assets of the seminary as an institution of higher learning. Users are encouraged to consult the Library Guide for information about borrowing policies.

Academic Calendar
Find a complete schedule of all of the academic events that occur during an academic year.
Registration deadlines for Degree Candidates
Registration Deadline: Thursday, December 3 [Spring 2021]
Drop-Add Deadline: Friday, January 22

St. Vladimir's Seminary provides two types of transcripts: official transcripts and unofficial transcripts. All transcripts must include the entire academic record; no partial or incomplete statements of record will be issued as transcripts.
Thesis Requirements
All forms of the thesis at St. Vladimir’s Seminary, including the D.Min. final project, are intended to lead students into the deep exploration of some new areas of learning not normally covered in the core curriculum.

Class Attendence
Class attendance is essential for achieving course and program objectives. Absence or tardiness diminishes the effectiveness of courses and programs. Consequently, students are expected to attend all class sessions.
Course Workload
The number of credit hours assigned to a course is defined by the number of hours per week in class, or contact hours, and the number of hours allotted for class preparation. For each hour of instruction, it is expected that an additional 2–3 hours will be spent outside of class in reading, research, writing, and other preparation.