Protopresbyter John Meyendorff
Dean, 1984-1992
Professor of Church History & Patristics, 1959-1992
Born in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, in 1926, John Meyendorff completed his secondary education in France and his theological education at the Orthodox Theological Institute in Paris in 1949. In 1948 he also received a license-es-lettres at the Sorbonne, and later earned a Diplôme d'études supérieures (1949), a Diplôme de l'école practique des Hautes Etudes (1954), and a Doctorate of Letters (1958).
In France he was an Assistant Professor of Church History at the Orthodox Theological Institute, and a Fellow at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
Having been ordained to the priesthood in the Orthodox Church, he became Professor of Church History and Patristics at St Vladimir's Seminary (1959), holding also successive joint appointments as lecturer in Byzantine theology at Harvard University, Dumbarton Oaks (to which he returned for a semester as Acting Director of Studies in 1977), and as Professor of Byzantine History at Fordham University (from 1967). He also was Adjunct Professor at Columbia University and Union Theological Seminary and lectured widely on university campuses and at church events. He held the position of Dean of St Vladimir's Seminary from March 1984 until June 1992.
Fr Meyendorff's publications include the critical text and translation of Byzantine theologian Gregory Palamas (1959), as well as a number of books in the fields of theology and history, such as A Study of Gregory Palamas (French ed., 1959; Engl. 1964); The Orthodox Church (1963); Orthodoxy and Catholicity (1966); Christ in Eastern Christian Thought (1969); Byzantine Theology (1973); Marriage, an Orthodox Perspective (1975); Living Tradition (1978); Byzantium and the Rise of Russia (1980); The Byzantine Legacy in the Orthodox Church (1981); Catholicity and the Church (1983); and Imperial Unity and Christian Divisions. The Church 450-680 AD (1989). His books have been published in a number of languages, including French, German, Italian, Russian, Greek, Finnish, Spanish, Dutch, Japanese, Serbian, and Polish.
A member of several professional associations, Fr Meyendorff served during different periods as President of the Orthodox Theological Society of America, President of the American Patristic Association, and a member of the Executive Committee, U.S. Committee for Byzantine Studies. He was a Fellow of the National Endowment for the Humanities (1976-77), and a Guggenheim Fellow (1981).
During his service at the seminary, he held the positions of librarian, director of studies, and was long-time editor of St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly. His service to the church included positions as chairman of the Department of External Affairs of the Orthodox Church in America, as advisor to the Holy Synod, and as editor of the monthly newspaper The Orthodox Church.
As a representative of the Orthodox Church, he participated in the activities of the World Council of Churches, having been Chairman of the Commission on Faith and Order (1967-1976) and a member of the Central Committee. Committed particularly to inter-Orthodox unity and cooperation, he was one of the founders and the first general secretary of Syndesmos (World Fellowship of Orthodox Youth Organizations), and served later as its president.
Fr Meyendorff held honorary doctorates from the University of Notre Dame and General Theological Seminary, and was a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy.
He was a Senior Fellow at Dumbarton Oaks. The Diploma of Honorary Member of the Leningrad Theological Academy was bestowed upon Fr John in May of 1990. In June 1991 Fr John was awarded the Order of St Vladimir, 2nd Class, by His Holiness ALEKSY II, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.
Fr John Meyendorff retired as Dean of St Vladimir's Seminary on June 30, 1992.
Books & Publications
- Rome, Constantinople, Moscow: Historical and Theological Studies (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 1996).
- Unité de l'Empire et divisions des chrétiens, (Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1992) [Trans. of Imperial Unity and Christian Divisions]
- Imperial Unity and Christian Divisions. The Church 450-680 AD (1989)
- The Primacy of Peter: Essays in Ecclesiology and the Early Church (rev. edn.) (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 1992).
- The Legacy of St Vladimir, ed. with Fr John Breck and Eleana Silk, (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 1990)
- Vizantiia i Moskovskaia Rus': ocherk po istorii tserkovnykh i kul'turnykh sviazei v XIV veke (Paris: YMCA Press, 1990). [Trans. of: Byzantium and the Rise of Russia]
- Christian Spirituality: Post-Reformation and Modern, ed. with L. Dupe, Don E. Saliers, ed. (New York: Crossroad, (1989).
- Chrystus Zwyciezyl: Wokol Chryta Rusi Kijowsidej (Warsaw: Verbinum, 1989).
- Imperial Unity and Christian Divisions: The Church 450-680 AD (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press. 1989).
- A Legacy of Excellence, ed. with Vladimir Borichevsky and William Schneirla, (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 1988).
- Vyzantio kai Rosia: Meleton Vizantino-Rosikon Scheseon kata to 14 Aiona (Athens: Ekdoseis Domos, 1988). [Trans. of: Byzantium and the Rise of Russia: A Study of Byzantine-Russian Relations in the Fourteenth Century]
- Christian Spirituality: High Middle Ages and Reformation, ed. with J. Raitt, B. McGinn (New York: Crossroad, 1987).
- Vision of Unity (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press. 1987).
- Witness to the World (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press. 1987).
- Le Marriage dans la Perspective Orthodoxe (Paris: YMCA Press, 1986). [Trans. of: Marriage, an Orthodox Perspective]
- Christian Spirituality: Origins to the Twelfth Century, ed. with Bernard McGinn, World Spirituality, v. 16 (New York: Crossroad, 1985).
- Vvedenie v sviatootecheskoe bogoslovie: konspekty lektsii (New York: Religious Books for Russia, 1985) 2nd ed.
- Vizantijsko Bogoslovje, Kragujevac, trans. (1985). [Trans. of: Byzantine Theology: Historical Trends and Doctrinal Themes]
- Marriage: An Orthodox Perspective, 3rd rev. ed. (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press. 1984).
- La Teologia Bizantina: Sviluppi storid e temi dottrinali (Casale Monfeirate: Casa Editrice Marietti, 1984). [Trans. of: Byzantine Theology: Historical Trends and Doctrinal Themes]
- Byzantine Theology: Historical Trends and Doctrinal Themes (New York: Fordham, 1983) 2nd ed., 2nd printing with revisions.
- Catholicity and the Church (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press. 1983).
- Gamos: mia Orthodoxe Prooptike (Athens: Ekdose Hieras Metropoleos Thevon kai Levadeias, 1983). [Trans. of: Marriage: An Orthodox Perspective]
- Ho Hapos Gregorios ho Palamas kai he Orthodoxe Mystike paradose (Athens: Ekdoseis "Akritas," 1983). [Trans. of: St Grégoire Palamas et la mystique orthodoxe]
- Sveti Grigorije Palama ipravoslavna mistika (Beograd, 1983). [Trans. of: St Grégoire Palamas et la mystique orthodoxe]
- Ho Christos soterias semena Homilia-sychetese? (Athens: Synaxe, 1985).
- 'Teologla bizantyjska.' historia i doktiyna (Warsaw: Instytut Wydawn. Pax., 1984). [Trans. of: Byzantine Theology: Historical Trends and Doctrinal Themes]
- The Triads: Gregory Palamas, ed. with introduction (New York: Paulist Press, 1983).
- Catholicity and the Church (1983)
- The Byzantine Legacy in the Orthodox Church (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press. 1982).
- Vvedenie v sviatootecheshoe bogoslovie: konspekfy lektsu (New York: Religious Books for Russia, 1982).
- Byzantium and the Rise of Russia: A Study of Byzantino-Russian Relations in the Fourteenth Century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981).
- The Orthodox Church (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press. 1981), 3rd rev. ed.
- The Byzantine Legacy in the Orthodox Church (1981)
- Pravoslavie v sovremennom mire, (added title page: Orthodoxy in the Contemporary World) (New York: Chalidze Publications, 1981).
- Byzantium and the Rise of Russia. A Study of Byzantino-Russian Relations in the Fourteenth Century (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press. 1989). [Reprint of Cambridge edn. of 1980.]
- Byzantine Theology: Historical Trends and Doctrinal Themes (New York: Fordham University Press, 1979), 2nd ed.
- Living Tradition (Crestwood, NY: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1978)
- The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony (New York: Dept. of Religious Education, Orthodox Church in America, 1978), reprint of 1975 ed.
- Trinitarian Theology East and West: St Thomas Aquinas-St Gregory Palamas, with Michael Fahey (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 1977).
- S. Gregorio Palamas e la mistica ortodossa (Torino: Piero Gribaudi Editore, 1976). [Trans. of: St Grégoire Palamas et la mystique orthodoxe]
- St Grégoire Palamas et la mystique orthodoxe (Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1976).
- Byzantine Theology: Historical Trends and Doctrinal Themes (London: Mowbrays, 1975).
- Christ in Eastern Christian Thought (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press. 1975). [Trans. of: Le Christ dans la theologie byzantine]
- Initiation a la theologie byzantine: Htistoire et la doctrine (Paris: Cerf, 1975). [Trans. of: Byzantine Theology: Historical Trends and Doctrinal Themes]
- Marriage, an Orthodox Perspective (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press. 1975), 2nd expanded ed.
- Byzantine Hesychasm: Historical, Theological and Social Problems: Collected Studies (London: Variorum Reprints, 1974).
- Byzantine Theology: Historical Trends and Doctrinal Themes (New York: Fordham University Press/London: Mowbrays, 1974).
- Cristologia Ortodossa (Roma: An. Veritas Editrice, 1974). [Trans of: Christ in Eastern Christian Thought]
- St Gregory Palamas and Orthodox Spirituality (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press & Bedfordshire: Faith Press, 1974).
- A Study of Gregory Palamas, 2nd ed. (Bedfordshire: Faith Press & Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 1974).
- Defense des saints hesychastes, 2nd ed. (Louvain: Spicilegium sacrum lovaniense, 1973) 2 vols.
- The New Man: An Orthodox and Reformed Dialogue, ed. with Joseph McLelland (New Brunswick: Agora Books, 1973).
- The Primacy of Peter, 2nd ed. (Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire: Faith Press, 1973). [Trans. of: La primauté de Pierre dans l'Eglise Orthodoxe]
- Byzantine Theology (1973)
- Marriage: An Orthodox Perspective (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 1970).
- Le Christ dans la theologie byzantine, Bibliotheque oeumenique, 2. Serie orthodoxe (Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1969).
- Christ in Eastern Christian Thought (Washington, DC: Corpus Books, 1969). [Trans. of: Le Christ dans la theologie byzantine]
- L'Eglise Orthodoxe: hier et aujourd'hui, 2nd ed., rev. (Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1969).
- La Iglesia Ortodoxa: ayery hoy (Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 1969). [Trans. of: L'Eglise Orthodoxe: hier et aujourd'hui]
- Sv. Grigorii Palama i pravoslavnaia mistika (1969). [Trans of: St Grégoire Palamas et la mystique orthodoxe]
- The Orthodox, Ecumenical Series (New York: Paulist Press, 1966).
- The Orthodox, reprint, (Minneapolis, MN: Light and Life, 1966). [Reprint. Originally published: New York: Paulist Press, 1966.]
- Orthodoxy and Catholicity (New York: Sheed & Ward, 1966). [Trans. of: Orthodoxie et Catholicité]
- Orthodoxie et Catholicité (Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1965).
- The Orthodox Church: Yesterday and Today (London: Darton-Longman, 1964).
- De Orthodoxe Kerk, roermond-maaseik, J.J. Romen & Zonan Vitgevers (1964). [Trans. of: L'Eglise Orthodoxe, hier et aujourd'hui]
- A Study of Gregory Palamas (London: Faith Press, 1964). [Trans. of: Introduction a l'etude de Grégoire Palamas]
- Die Orthodoxe Kirchegestem undheute (Salzburg: Otto Muller Verlag, 1963). [Trans. of: L'Eglise Orthodoxe, hier et aujourd'hui]
- The Primacy of Peter, with N. Afanassief, et. al. (London: Faith Press, 1963). [Trans. of: La primauté de Pierre dans l'Eglise Orthodoxe]
- La Chiesa Ortodossa, hieri e oggi (Brescia: Morcelliana, 1962). [Trans. of: L'Eglise Orthodoxe, hier et aujourd'hui]
- The Orthodox Church: its Past and its Role in the World Today (London: Darton, Longman & Todd/New York: Pantheon Books, 1962). [Trans. of: L'Eglise Orthodoxe: hier et aujourd'hui]
- Syggrammata, ed. with B. Bobrinsky, P. Papaeuaggelou, and P. Christou (Thessaloniki: Endidetai syndromi tou basilieou Idrimatos, 1962), 1962.
- Der Primat des Petrus in der Orthodoxen Kirche, with N. Afanassief, et. al. (Zurich: EVZ-Verlag, 1961). [Trans. of: La primaute de Pierre dans l'Eglise Orthodoxe]
- L'Eglise Orthodoxe, hier et aujourd'hui (Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1960).
- Die Orthodox Kirche: gestern und heute (Salzburg: Muller, 1960). [Trans. of: L'Eglise Orthodoxe: hier et aujourd'hui]
- Grégoire Palamas. Defense des saints hesychastes: Introduction, text critique, traduction, et notes (Louvain: "Spicilegium sacrum lovaniense," 1959) administration, ed. and tr., vol. l, 383, vol. 2, 383-767.
- Introduction a l'étude de Grégoire Palamas, Patristica Sorbonensia, vol. 3 (Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1959).
- St Grégoire Palamas et la mystique orthodoxe, Maitres spirituels, n. 20 (Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1959).
- "The Granting of the Degree of Theology to His Holiness, ALEXIS II, Patriarch of Moscow," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly [SVTQ] 36 (1992), 116-125.
- "Humanity: 'Old' and 'New' -- Anthropological Considerations," in Salvation in Christ: A Lutheran Orthodox Dialogue, Robert Tobias, ed. (Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg, 1992), 59-66.
- "Chemy Teologija?," Beseda 1 (1991), 47-50.
- "Educatia Teologica in Epocile Patristica si Bizantina si lectiile ei Astazi," Studii Teologice, Seria A-II-A, AN 43 (1991), 120-131. [Trans. of: St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 31 (1987), 197-213.]
- "Light from the East? 'Doing Theology' in an Eastern Orthodox Perspective," in Doing Theology in Today's World (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1991), 339-358.
- "Miracles: Religious Reflections," in Healing: Orthodox Christian Perspectives in Medicine, Psychology and Religion, J. Chirban, ed. (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross, 1991), 51-55.
- "The Nicene Creed: Uniting or Dividing Confession," in Faith to Creed: Ecumenical Perspectives on the Affirmation of the Apostolic Faith in the Fourth Century, S. Mark Heim, ed. (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1991), 1-19.
- "Orthodox Unity in America: New Beginnings?," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 35 (1991), 5-19.
- "Orthodoxia kai ethnikes politistikes paradoseis," Synaxe 40 (1991), 9-16.
- "St Sava, Ohrid and the Serbian Church," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 35 (1991), 209-221.
- "Viziuni Despre Biserica: Gindirea Teologica Rusa in Timpurile Modeme," Studii Teologice, Seria A-n-A, AN 43 (1991), 143-149. [Trans. of: St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 34:1, 1987,5-14]
- "Vyznam reformace v dejinach Krestanstvi," Theologlcka Revue 24 (1991), 2-7.
- "Was there an Encounter Between East and West at Florence?," in Christian Unity: The Council of Florence 1438/9-1989, Giuseppe Allerigo, ed., (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1991), 153-175.
- "Was there ever a Third Rome?: Remarks on the Byzantine Legacy in Russia," in The Byzantine Tradition After the Fall of Constantinople, J. Yiannias, ed. (Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia, 1991), 45-60.
- "Christian Marriage in Byzantium: The Canonical and Liturgical Tradition," Dumbarton Oaks Papers 44 (1990), 99-107.
- "Council of Russian Bishops Approves Social and Educational Plans: Fr John of Kronstadt to be Canonized," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 34 (1990), 84-86.
- "Interview: Marriage as Sacrament," Again 13 (1990), 8-11.
- "A Life Worth Living," in Liturgy and Tradition (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press. 1990), 145-154. [Reflections on Alexander Schmemann]
- "Introduction: From Byzantium to the New World," in The Legacy of St Vladimir, ed. with Fr John Breck and Eleana Silk (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 1990), 1-20.
- "Lutherans and Orthodox: Is Sacramental Unity in Sight?," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 29 (1990), 101-103.
- "Lutherans and Orthodox: Is Sacramental Unity in Sight?," Dialog 29 (1990), 101-103.
- "Ob izmeniacmosti i neizmennosti pravoslavnogo bogosluzheniia," Vestnik Leningradskoi Dukhovnoi Akademii 2 (1990),105-111.
- "L'Orthodoxie n'a de valeur que si elle se présente comme un témoin de la tradition apostolique," Mensuel SOP 146, 19-28.
- "Sviateishii Patriarkh Tikhon: sluzhitel' edinstva TSerkvi," Le Messager/Vestnik 158 (1990), 37-51.
- "Synodos ton Rason Episkopon," Paremvole 2 (1990), [Trans. of: St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 34 (1990), "Council of Russian Bishops Approves Social and Educational Plans: Fr John of Kronstadt to be Canonized."].
- "Visions of the Church: Russian Theological Thought in Modem Times," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 34 (1990), 5-14.
- "What is Autocephaly?", The Russian Orthodox Journal 63 (1990), 8.
- "Chalcedonians and non-Chalcedonians: The Last Steps to Unity," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 33 (1989), 319-329.
- "From Byzantium to Russia: Religious and Cultural Legacy," in Studio Slavico-Byzantina et Mediaevalia Europensia, vol. I, [Studies on the Slavo-Byzantine and Western-European Middle Ages], Ivan Dujcev Centre for Slavo-Byzantine Studies, 105-114.
- "From Byzantium to Russia: Religious and Cultural Legacy," in Tausend Jahre Christentum in Russland: Zum Millennium der Taufe der Kiever Rus' (Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1989), 85-102.
- "New Life In Christ: Salvation in Orthodox Theology," Theological Studies 50 (1989), 481-499.
- "O Vsjeh i za vsja, Za sve i radi svih," in Sveti Knez Lazgar: Spomenica o sestoj stogodisnjici kosovskog boja, 1389-1989 (Beograd, 1989).
- "The Patriarch of Antioch and North America in 1904," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 33 (1989), 80-86.
- "Shahovskoy, Dimitry (John) Archbishop, 1902-1989," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 33 (1989), 315-317.
- "Theosis in the Eastern Christian Tradition," in Christian Spirituality: Post-Reformation and Modern, ed. with L. Dupe and Don E. Saliers (New York: Crossroad, 1989), 470-476.
- "Baptism of Russia," The Russian Orthodox Journal 61 (1988), 16-20.
- "Byzantium, the Orthodox Church and the Rise of Moscow," in The Byzantine Legacy in Eastern Europe (Boulder, CO: East European Monographs, 1988), 3-18.
- "A Final Word in Defense of Ecclesiology [Reply to J. Boojamra and P. Garrett]," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 32 (1988), 72-87.
- "A Final Word in Defense of Ecclesiology [Reply to M Butler]," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 32 (1988), 395-399.
- "From Byzantium to Russia: Religious and Cultural Legacy," in Transactions of the Association of Russian American Scholars (Zapiski), 1988, 3-18.
- "Istorike Schetikokratia kai Authentia sto Christianiko dogma," Orthodoxe Martyria (Athens, 1988), 72-73.
- "The Last Steps to Unity," in Orthodox Identity in India: Essays in Honor of V. C. Samuel, M. K.Kuriakose, ed. (Bangalore, 1988), 105-117.
- "Millennium Celebrations in Moscow," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 32 (1988), 384-390.
- "Mount Athos in the Fourteenth Century: Spiritual and Intellectual Legacy," Dumbarton Oaks Papers 42 (1988), 157-165.
- "Regionalisme und Universalismus in der Geschichte des russichen Christentums," in lOOO Jahre Christentum bei den Ostslawen, Internationales Symposion, 13-15 Mai, Die Slawischen Sprachen (Salzburg, 1988), 117-127.
- "St Vladimir's Faculty," in A Legacy of Excellence (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 1988).
- "Theology in the Thirteenth Century: Methodological Contrasts," Kathegetria: Essays Presented to Joan Hussey for her 80th Birthday (Camberley, Surrey: Porphyrogenitus, 1988), 395-407.
- Tserkov i gosudarstvo," Posev 7 (1988), 8-13.
- "Visionen von der Kirche: russisches theologisches Denken in der neueren Zeit," Oekumenische Rundschau 37 (1988), 154-163.
- "Barrois, Georges A., 1898-1987," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 31 (1987), 283-285.
- "Bysantin Teologia." Opillisia Kysymyksia, Heinavesi, Valamon Luostari.
- "Christ's Humanity: the Paschal Mystery," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 31 (1987), 5-40.
- "Die Ikone Christ-ein Bekenntnis des Glaubens," Zeitschriftfur Ostkirchliche Kunst: Hermenica 3 (1987), 184.
- "Pravoslayje u savremenom svety," Banatske Vestnik 6 (1987), 19-23.
- "Response to 'Are We Lovers Anymore'," Theological Education 24 (1987), 40-43.
- "Theological Education in the Patristric and Byzantine Eras and its Lessons for Today," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 31 (1987), 197-213.
- "Two Visions of the Church: East and West on the Eve of Modern Times," in Christian Spirituality: High Middle Ages and Reformation, ed. with J. Raitt, B. McGinn (New York: Crossroad), 439-453.
- "Von Byzancz nach Russland, Religioses und Kulturelles Verniachtius," in Das Millennium russischorthodoxen Kirche (1987), 11-28.
- "Wisdom -- Sophia: Contrasting Approaches to a Complex Theme," Dumbarton Oaks Papers 41 (1987), 391-401.
- "Katolichnost (Sabornost) TSrkve," in Sabornost Tsrkve Bogoslovski Fakultet SP TSrkve (Beograd, 1986), 113-130.
- "The Mediterranean World in the Thirteenth Century Theology: East and West," in The 17th International Byzantine Congress: Major Papers (New Rochelle, NY: Aristide D. Caratzas, 1986), 669-682.
- "The Melkite Patriarchate: Paradoxes of a Vocation -- an Initial Response to Father Khairallah [pp 189-216]," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 30 (1986), 217-230.
- "Metropolitan Theodosius, 25 Years of Pastoral Service," in Evangelization -- The 8th All-American Council (Orthodox Church in America, 1986).
- "Ho M. Vasileios ho Messalianismos kai ho Vizantinos Christianismos," Diakonia (1986) 38-51.
- "Orthodox-Roman Catholic Dialogue Faces Snags," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 30 (1986), 351-356.
- "Orthodoxie," Evangelisches Kirchenlexikon: Internationale Theologlsche Enzklopadie (Gottengen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1986).
- "St Vladimir's Seminary: Past, Present, Future...," The Russian Orthodox Journal 58 (1986), 13-15.
- "Theological Education in the Patristic Era and its Lessons for Today," The Star of the East 8 (1986), 17-32.
- "Verkhovskoy, Serge Sergeevich, 1907-1986, in memoriam," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 30 91986), 283-287.
- "Christ as Savior in the East," in Christian Spirituality: Origins to the Twelfth Century, ed. with Bernard McGinn (New York: Crossroad, 1985), 231-251.
- "Christ as Word: Gospel and Culture," International Review of Mission 74 (1985), 246-257.
- "Christ as Word: Gospel and Culture," in The Witness of St Methodius: Orthodox Mission in the 9th Century, repr. from International Review of Mission, 74 (1985).
- "The Byzantine Empire," in Ancient History: Selected Reading Lists and Course Outlines from American Colleges and Universities, Stanley M. Burstein and Sarah B. Pomeroy, eds. (New York: Markus Wiener Publishing, 1984), 75-76.
- "Byzantium as Center of Theological Thought in the Christian East," in Schools of Thought in the Christian Tradition, P. Henry, ed. (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1984), 65-74.
- "The Eastern Roman Empire," in Ancient History: Selected Reading Lists and Course Outlines from American Colleges and Universities, Stanley M. Burstein and Sarah B. Pomeroy, eds. (New York: Markus Wiener Publishing, 1984), 73-74.
- "Father Alexander Schmemann, Dean, 1962-1983," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 28 (1984), 3-65.
- "Father Alexander Schmemann," in Transactions of the Association of Russian-American Scholars in the USA (Zapiski), 17 (1984), 316.
- "Father John Meyendorff: Orthodox Scholar," in Between Peril and Promise, J. Newby and E. Newby, eds. (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 1984), 56-66.
- "Kyrka och mission -- ett Ortodoxt perspektiv," Svensk Missionstidsklift, 72 (1984), 38-40. [Trans. of: International Review of Missions, 70 (1981), 256-258]
- "A Life Worth Living," [Eulogy for Fr Alexander Schmemann], St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 28 (1984), 3-10.
- "Der Missionsauftrag der Kirche," Orthodoxe Rundschau 16 (1984), 17-19.
- "A Orthodox Response," [To: J.M.R. Tillard's The Bishop of Rome], Ecumenical Trends, 13 (1984), 119-120.
- "Die Orthodoxe Theologie in der Welt von heute," Orthodoxe Rundschau 16 (1984), 3-14.
- "Reply to Jurgen Moltmann's 'The Unity of the Triune God' [pp 157-171]," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 28 (1984), 183-188.
- "Thanksgiving [Funeral Sermon for Fr Alexander Schmemann]," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 28 (1984), 43-44.
- "Church and Ministry: For an Orthodox-Lutheran Dialogue," Dialog 22 (1983), 114-120.
- "Creation in the History of Orthodox Theology," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 27 (1983), 27-37.
- "The Hope that is in Us: A Comment on the Document 'Mystery of Church and Eucharist,' (Joint Orthodox-Roman Catholic Comm.) Munich, 1982," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 27 (1983), 294-298.
- "Is 'Hesychasm' the Right Word?: Remarks on Religious Ideology in the Fourteenth Century," Harvard Ukrainian Studies 7 (1983) ,445-457.
- "Orthodox Views of 'Baptism, Eucharist, and Ministry' papers," Orthodox Theological Society of America, Brookline, MA, 1983; special issue, St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 27 (1983) ,237-293.
- "Canonisations," Service Orthodoxe de Presse et l'information [SOP], 65 (1982), 8-9.
- "Christian Tradition: An Orthodox Perspective" in Festschrift für Fairy von Lilienfeld (Erlangen: Institut fur Gesellschaft und Wissenschaft, 1982) 1-25.
- "Does Christian Tradition Have a Future?," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 26 (1982), 139-154.
- "Kirchlicher Regionalismus: Strukturen der Gemeinschaft oder Vorwand des Separetismus?" in Kirche im Wandel: Eine Kristische Zwischenbilanz nach dem Zweiten Vatikanun (Patmos: Verlag Dusseldorf, 1982).
- "The Three Lithuanian Martyrs: Byzantium and Lithuania in the Fourteenth Century," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 26 (1982), 29-44.
- "Byzance," Theologische Realenzyklopadie [TRE], Band Vn, Liefering 4/5 (1981), 500-531.
- "Complexite a la situation," in Unite des chretiens l'Eglise Orthodoxe russe, 41 (1981), 23-24.
- "Defense of the Holy Hesychasts," Photoduplicate of typescript bearing editor's revisions (1981).
- "Die Katholizitat der Kirche," Orthodoxie Heute (1981), 4-16.
- "The Liturgy: A Clue to the Mind of Worldwide Orthodoxy," in Orthodox Theology and Diakonia, D. Constantelos, ed. (Brookline, MA: Hellenic College Press, 1981), 81-90.
- "An Orthodox View on Mission and Integration," International Review of Mission 70 (1981), 256-258.
- "Il regionalismo ecclesiastico: struttura per la comunioae o pretesto per il separatismo?" Cristianesimo nella storia 2 (1981), 295-310.
- "Sveti vasillje veliki Mesalijanstvo i vizantijsko khriskbanstvo," Bogoslove 25 (1981), 9-21.
- "The Three Lithuanian Martyrs: Byzantium & Lithuania in the Fourteenth Century," in Eikon and Logos, Hermann Goltz, ed. (Halle: Martin-Luther Universitaet, 1981), 179-198.
- "The Time of Holy Saturday," in Orthodox Synthesis, J. Allen, ed. (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press. 1981), 51-63.
- "Byzantine Liturgy" Report on the Dumbarton Oaks Symposium of 1979, Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 1980-1981, 271-272.
- "Ecclesiastical Regionalism: Structures of Communion or Cover for Separatism: Issues of Dialogue with Roman Catholicism," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 24 (1980), 155-168.
- "St Basil, Messalianism and Byzantine Christianity," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 28 (1980), 219-234.
- "Archimandrite Justin Popovich," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 23 (1979), 118-119.
- "Christian Gospel and Social Responsibility: The Eastern Orthodox Tradition in History," in Continuity and Discontinuity: Essays Presented to George Huntston Williams, F. Church, et. al., eds. (Leiden: Brill, 1979), 118-130.
- "Dukhovnye techeniia i Rossii i Pravoslavnaia Tserkov," Posev l0 (1979), 46-48.
- 'The Ecumenical Patriarch, Seen in the Light of Orthodox Ecclesiology and History," Greek Orthodox Theological Review 24 (1979), 227-244.
- "Holy Saturday" (Collegville, MN: Institute for Spirituality, Saint John's University, 1979). [Paper read at Conference IV, "Spiritual Life for Lent and Easter," March 10-11, 1979.]
- "Lossky, le militant," Contacts: Revue Française de l'Orthodoxie, 31 (1979), 208-211.
- "Was ist ein oekumenisches Konzil," in Oekumene, Konzil, Unfehlbaikeit, Pro Oriente (Innsbruck: Tyrolia-Verlag, 1979), 36-47.
- "The World Council of Churches: A Christian UN?," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 23 (1979), 45-50.
- "Russian Bishops and Church Reform in 1905," in Russian Orthodoxy Under the Old Regime, R. L. Nichols, ed. (Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1978) 170-182.
- "The Byzantine Impact on Russian Civilization," in Windows on the Russian Past: Essays on Soviet Historiography Since Stalin (Columbus, OH: American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, 1977), 45-56.
- "Einheit der Kirche, Papstdienst, Rom und die Orthodoxie - autoritaet oder Wahrheit?," in Petrus und Papst: Evangelium, Einheit d. Kirche, Papstdienst (Munster: Aschendorff, 1977), 159-175.
- "Comment on the New Valamo Report: The Ecumenical Nature of the Orthodox Witness," in The New Valamo Consultation (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1977) 31.
- "Eucharistic Ecclesiology and the Structure of the Church," in The New Valamo Consultation (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1977), 61-63.
- "The Orthodox in the Ecumenical Movement: Problems of a Dialogue," One World: A Monthly Magazine of the World Council of Churches 24 (1977), 20-21.
- "Rom und die Orthodoxie - Autoritaet oder Wahrheit?," Catholica: Vierteljahresschriftfiter Kontroverstheologie 31 (1977), 352-368.
- "Autoridad Doctrinal en la Tradicion de la Iglesa Ortodoxa," Conciliu: Revista internacional de Theologia 117 (1976), 48-59. [This journal also in: Italian, Portuguese.]
- "The Church," in An Introduction to Russian History (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976), 315-330.
- "Evaluation of Nairobi by the Church of Russia," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 20 (1976), 42-45.
- "The Holy Spirit as God," in The Third Hour. Helen lswolsky Memorial Volume, Yanovsky, et. al. eds. (New York: Third Hour Foundation, 1976), 39-48.
- Ideological Crises (1071 to 1261) (Athens, 1976). [Paper at XV Congres International d'etudes byzantines.]
- "Rome and Orthodoxy: Authority or Truth?," in A Pope for All Christians, P. J. McCord, ed. (New York: Paulist Press, 1976), 129-147.
- Schwesterkirchen - ekklesiologische Folgerungen aus dem Tomos Agapis," in Aufdem WegzurEinheit des Glaubens, Pro Oriente (Insbruck: Tyrolia-Verlag, 1976), 41-53.
- "Auty & Obolensky," in Introduction to Russian Studies, vol. l, 3 chapters (1975).
- "Eglises-soeurs: implications ecclesiologiques du Tomos Agapis," Koinonia: Premier Colloque ecclesiologique entre theologiens orthodoxes et catholiques, Vienna 1-7 mai, 1971 (Paris: Istina, 1975), 35-46.
- "Francis Dvornik," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 19 (1975), 254-255.
- "The Orthodox Churches," in The Ordination of Women, M. Hamilton, ed. (New York: Morehouse-Barlow, 1975), 128-134.
- "The Russian Church after Patriarch Tikhon," (trans. from the Russian by Paul Lazor), St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 19 (1975), 32-48.
- The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, commentary (New York: Orthodox Church in America, Department of Religious Education, 1975), 29-39.
- "Shta je vaselenski sabor," in Glasnik: Sluzhbeni list Srpskepravoslavne tsrkve 56 (1975), 66-73.
- "Unity & Mission," World Mission 26 (1975), 39-42.
- "Confessing Christ Today and the Unity of the Church," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 18 (1974), 155-165.
- "'Confessing Christ Today,' Orthodox Consultation Prepares for fourth [i.e., Fifth] Assembly of the World Council of Churches," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 18 (1974), 193-212.
- "Eastern Orthodoxy, History of," Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th ed. (1974), 152-162.
- "Free Will (Gnomê) in Saint Maximus the Confessor," in Ecumenical World of Orthodox Civilization, A. Blane, ed. (The Hague: Mouton, 1974), 71-75.
- "L'hesychasme: problèmes de sémantique," in Mélanges d'Histoire des religions, A. Bareau, et. al., eds. (1974), 543-547.
- "The Holy Spirit as God," in The Holy Spirit, D. Kirkpatrick, ed. (Nashville, TN: The World Methodist Council, 1974), 76-89.
- "Implikationen im Tomos Agapes," Internationale Katholische Zeitschrift 1974:4, 308-322.
- "O Vizantinshoe isikhazme i ego roli v Kulturnom i istroricheskorn razvitii Bostochnoi Evropy v XIV veki," in Voprosy istorii russkoi srednevekovoi literatury (Leningrad: lzd'vo Nauka, 1974), 291-305.
- "Rosos syggrafeus tes diasporas," Ta Neiata 98, 25 Apriliou, 1974, 4-5.
- "Schwesterkirchen; ekklesiologische Implikationen im Tomos Agapes," Sonderdruck aus Internationale Katholische Zeitschrift, 4, Jl-Ag, 1974, 308-322.
- "Society and Culture in the Fourteenth Century. Religious Problems," in Actes du XIV Congres International des Etudes byzantines, Bucarest, 6-12 Septembre, 1971, M. Berza et E. Stanescu, eds. (Bucharest: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania, 1974), 111-124.
- "Auf dem Weg zur einern Okeumenischen Konzil?," Information aus der Orthodoxen Kirche 1973:1:2, 17-21.
- "The Catholicity of the Church: an Introduction," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 17 (1973), 5-18.
- "Historical Relativism and Authority in Christian Dogma," in The New Man: An Orthodox and Reformed Dialogue, ed. with Joseph McLelland (New Brunswick: Agora Books, 1973), 77-91.
- "Iglesia y humanidad," Selecciones de teolopa, 12:46 (1973),95-99.
- "In Memoriam: V. M. Bensin, (1881-1973)," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 17 (1973), 248-249.
- "What is an Ecumenical Council?," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 17 (1973), 259-273.
- "Contemporary Problems of Orthodox Canon Law," Greek Orthodox Theological Review 17 (1972), 41-50.
- "Einheit der Kirche -- Einheit der Menschheit," Oekumenische Rundschau 21 (1972), 160-177.
- "Kafolichnost' TSerkvi," Messager de l'Exarchat du Patriarche Russe en Europe Occidentale 80, Oct-Dec 1972, 231-247.
- "Marriage: An Orthodox Perspective," Orientalia Christiana Periodica 38 (1972), 482-484.
- "The Orthodox Church and Mission: Past and Present Perspectives," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 16 (1972), 59-71.
- "Unity of the Church-Unity of Mankind," Ecumenical Review 24 (1972), 30-50.
- "The Cambridge and Soviet Histories of the Byzantine Empire: Religious History and Theology," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 15 (1971), 85-88.
- "Historical Relativism and Authority in Christian Dogma," The Jurist 3 (1971), 143-162.
- "Historical Relativism and Authority in Christian Dogma," in Who Decides for the Church: Studies in Co-Responsibility, James A. Coriden, ed. (Washington, DC: The Canon Law Society of America, 1971), 143-162.
- "Histories of the Byzantine Empire," Slavic Review, 30 (1971), 619-623.
- "Society and Culture in the 14th Century: Religious Problems," in Congres international des etudes byzantines, 14 (1971), I. Seveenko, et. al, eds., 51-65.
- "Spiritual Trends in Byzantium in the Late Thirteenth and Early Fourteenth Centuries," in Arte et Societé à Byzance sous les Paleologues: Acts du Colloque organise par l'Association Internationale des Etudes Byzantines in Venise en Septembre 1968 (Venise, 1971), 55-71.
- "Unité de l'Eglise - unité de l'humanité," Istina 16 (1971), 297-311.
- "Unity of the Church-Unity of Mankind," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 15 (1971), 163-177.
- "Autoridad, dogma y relativismo historico," Selecciones de teologia 9 (1970), 179-187.
- "Messalianism or anti-Messalianism: A Fresh Look at the 'Macarian Problem,'" Kyriakon: Johannes Quasten, v.2, P. Granfield, ed. (1970), 585-590.
- "Orthodox Theology Today," Sobornost', 6 (1970), 11-24.
- "Den Orthodoxa Kyrkan i Sovjetunionen, 1917-1969," Ortodox Arsbok, 1970, 21-25.
- "Wie wir zum Oekumenismus stehen," Orthodoxe Rundschau, 2 (1970), 4-5.
- "Orthodox Theology Today," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 13 (1969), 77-92.
- "Pravoslavnoe Bogoslovie i Sobrenennom Mire," Messager de l'Exarchat da Patriarche Russe en Europe Occidentale 67, Jul-Sept 1969, 175-193.
- "Relativisme historique et authorité dans le dogme chrétien," Istina 14 (1969), 251-264.
- "Worship in a Secular World [delivered at WCC, 4th Assembly, Uppsala, 1968]," Studio Liturgica 6 (1969), 116-120.
- "Byzance: l'image du Christ d'après Théodore Studite," in Synthronon: Art et Archéologie (Paris: Librairie C. Klmchsieck, 1968), 115-117.
- "Historical Relativism and Authority in Christian Dogma," in Hermann Dietzfelbingerzum 60 Geburtstag, F. W. Kantzenbach, ed. (Amsterdam: Verlag Adolf M. Hakkert, 1968), 225-238.
- "Historical Relativism and Authority in Christian Dogma," Oecumenica (1968) 225-238.
- "Historical Relavitism and Authority in Christian Dogma," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 11 (1967), 73-86.
- "Justinian and Eastern Christendom: Report on the Dumbarton Oaks Symposium of 1967," Dumbarton Oaks Papers 22 (1968), 227-228.
- "Worship in a Secular World," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 12 (1968), 120-124.
- "Alexis and Roman: A Study in Byzantine-Russian Relations (1352-1354)," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 11 (1967), 139-148.
- "Alexis and Roman: A Study in Byzantine-Russian Relations (1352-1354)," Byzantinoslavica 28 (1967), 278-288.
- "'Chalcedonians' and 'Non-Chalcedonians'," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 11 (1967), 150-151
- "Grecs, turcs et juifs en Asie Mineure au XIV siècle: en appendice: la date de la prise de Gallipoli," in Polychordia. Festschrift Franz Dolger, P. Wurth, ed., Vol I (1967), 211-217.
- "John Meyendorff," in Theologians at Work (London: Macmillan, 1967), 125-140.
- "Pope and Patriarch," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 5 (1967), 45-47.
- "Notas Sobre la Doctrina Orthodoxa Acerca de la Eucaristia," in Concilium: Revista Internacionale de Theologia, n. 24,56-64, (1967). [journal also in Italian, Portuguese]
- "Notes on the Orthodox Understanding of the Eucharist," in The Sacraments: An Ecumenical Dilemma, Hans Kung, ed., Concillium, v. 24, (New York: Paulist Press, 1967), 51-58.
- "Anthropology and Original Sin," in John XXIII Lectures, v.l, 1966, 52-58.
- "A Christian Theology of Creation," in John XXIII Lectures, V.1, 1966, 59-67.
- "Debate on Palamism: II. Philosophy, Theology, Palamism and 'Secular Christianity'," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 10 (1966), 203-208.
- "The Holy Spirit in the Church," in John XXIII Lectures, v. 1, 1966, 68-75.
- "Iconografia intelepciunii divine in traditia bizantina," Mitropolia Moldovei si Sucevei 42 (1966), 162-177.
- "Papacy: an Issue the Vatican Council Skirted: Orthodox View," Christianity Today 10 (1966), 6.
- "Philosophy, Theology, Palamism and Secular Christianity [reply to P. Sherwood]," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 10 (1966) 203-208.
- "Vatican II and Orthodox Theology in America," in Vatican II: An Interfaith Appraisal (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1966), 611-618.
- "Khalkidonity i Monofizity Posle Khalidona," Messager de l'Exarchat du Patriarche Russe en Europe Occidentale 52 (1965), 223-236.
- "The Meaning of Tradition," in Scripture and Ecumenism: Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox and Jewish, Leonard J. Swidler, ed., Duquesne Studies, Theological Series, n. 3, (Pittsburgh, PA: Duquesne University Press, 1965), 43-58.
- "Spirit, Order and Organization from an Orthodox Standpoint," in Concept: Papers from the Department of Studies in Evangelism (Geneva: WCC, 1965), 31-39.
- "Vatican II, A Preliminary Reaction," (trans. from the French by A. E. Moorhouse), St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 9 (1965), 26-37.
- "The Bishop in the Church," in Ministers of Christ (New York: Seabury, 1964), 149-165.
- "Byzantine Views of Islam," Dumbarton Oaks Papers l8 (1964), 115-132.
- "Chalcedonians and Monophysites after Chalcedon," Greek Orthodox Theological Review 10 (1964), 16-30. [Unofficial Consultation Between Theologians of Eastern Orthodox & Oriental Churches, Aug 11-15, 1964, Papers and Minutes.]
- "A Consultation between 'Chalcedonians' and 'Non-Chalcedonians'," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 8 (1964), 149-152.
- "Contemporary Orthodox Concept of Church," in Ecumenism & Vatican II, Charles O'Neill, ed (Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing, 1964), 28-43.
- "The Orthodox Church," in The Catholic Theological Society of America Proceedings of the 19th Annual Convention, NYC, June 22-25, 1964 (1964), 143-150.
- "Peter Zouboff," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 8 (1964), 221-222.
- 'The Significance of the Reformation in the History of Christendom," Ecumenical Review 14 (1964), 164-179. [Paper read at the Consultation between Orthodox and Non-Orthodox Theologians in July 1963.]
- "The Orthodox Church in America," in Logos Ortodoksisen Ylioppilasliiton 15-vuotisjuhlajulkaisu (Helsinki, 1963), 31-39.
- "Ortodoksisia Kasityksja Krikon Luonteesta," Palava Pensas 5 (1963), 5-40.
- "Our Faith," Bulletin of Orthodox Christian Education 7 (1963), 3-13.
- "Report on the Fourth World Conference on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches, Montreal, Canada, July, 1963," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 7 (1963), 150-155.
- "Le Tome Synodal de 1347" in Iz Zbornika ragova Vizantoloskhog instituta, kn. VIII (Belgrade, 1963), 209-227.
- "Vatican II: Definition or Search for Unity?", St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 7 (1963), 164-168.
- "Znachenie reformatsii kak sobitiia v istoriii khristianstva," Messager de l'Exarchat du Patriarche Russe en Europe Occidentale, n.42-43 (1963), 148-163.
- "Byzance et Rome, les tentatives d'uilion," in L'Eglise en Plentitude (Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 1962), 324-334.
- "The Drive against Religion in Russia," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 6 (1962), 206-207.
- "New Delhi, 1961," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 6 (1962), 43-45.
- "The Orthodox Concept of the Church," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 6 (1962), 59-72.
- "Orthodoxy and the Council," in Looking Toward the Council: An Inquiry Among Christians, Joseph E. Cunneen, ed., Quaestiones disputatae, v. 5 (New York: Herder & Herder, 1962), 90-96.
- "Tradition and Traditions: Towards a Conciliar Agenda," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 6 (1962), 118-127.
- "Connaissance et communion: la vision de Dieu en orient Orthodoxe, Quelques textes de Grégoire Palamas," Lumiere et vie 10 (1961), 115-122.
- "Contemporary Orthodox Concept of the Church," in Proceedings of the Society of Catholic College Teachers of Sacred Doctrine, 7th Annual Convention, 1961 (Brookline, MA: Cardinal Gushing College, 1961), 62-79.
- "L'Eglise Orthodoxe en Amerique," Contacts: Revue Française de l'Orthodoxie 13 (1961), 249-257.
- "Eph o (Rom. 5,12) chez Cyrille d'Alexandrie et Theodoret," Studia Patristica 4 (1961), 157-161.
- "God in History," in The Student World 1-2 (1961).
- "One Bishop in One City, (Canon 8, First Ecumenical Council)," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 5 (1961), 54-62.
- "Orthodoxes," Esprit: Nouvelle Series 12 (Dec 1961), 793-800.
- "Towards the Roman Council," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 5 (1961), 45-47.
- "Byzance et Rome, les tentatives d'union," in Decouverte de l'oecuménism (Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 1960), 324-334.
- "Ecclesiastical Organization in the History of Orthodoxy," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 4 (1960), 2-22.
- "Jean-Joasaph Cantacuzene et ie projet de concile oecumenique en 1367," in Sonderdfuck aus den Akten des XI. Intemationalen Byzantenisten-Konpvss, 1958 (Munchen: Verlag C. H. Beck, 1960), 363-369.
- "The Orthodox Church and the Western World," The Russian Orthodox Journal 34 (1960), 11.
- "Orthodox Missions in the Middle Ages," in History's Lessons for Tomorrow's Mission Milestones (Geneva: World's Student Christian Federation, 1960) 99-104.
- "Orthodoxy and Ecumenism," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 4 (1960), 48-49.
- "La Primaute de Pierre dans l'Eglise Orthodoxe," in Bibliotheque Orthodoxe (Neuchatel: Editions Delachaux & Niestle, 1960).
- "Projects de concile oecumenique en 1367: un dialogue inedit entre Jean Cantacuzene et le legat Paul," in Dumbarton Oaks Papers 14 (1960), 149-177.
- "St Peter in Byzantine Theology," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 4 (1960), 26-48.
- "Chto takoe vselenskii sobor?," Le Messager (Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristitmskogo dvizheniia l(52) 1959, 10-15.
- "Homélie sur la Presentation de la Vièrge," (S. Grégoire Palamas). Introduction et traduction," in Contacts: Revue Française de l'Orthodoxie 11 (1959), 22-31.
- "L'iconographie de la Sagesse Divine dans la tradition Byzantine," Cahiers Archeologlques 10 (1959), 259-277.
- "Perspectives Ecclesiologiques," Contacts: Revue Française de l'Orthodoxie 11 (1959), 89-98.
- "Zoi," Le Messager Orthodoxe 5 (1959), 24-26.
- "Humanisme nominaliste et mystique chrétienne a Byzance au XIVe siecle," Nouvelle Revue Theologique, 79 (1957), 905-914.
- "Istoricheskoe znacheme ucheniia sv. Grigoria Palamy," Le Messager. The Messenger. Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia, n.3 (46) 1957, 3-9.
- "Notes sur l'influence dionysienne en Orient," Studia Patristica 2,ii (1957), 547-552.
- "La primaute romaine dans la tradition canonique jusqu'au Concile de Chalcedoine," Istina 4 (1957), 463-482.
- "St Peter and His Succession in Byzantine Theology," in Russian, The Orthodox Thought, XI (1957), 139-157.
- "Une controverse sur le role social de l'eglise: la querelle des biens ecclesiastiques au XVI siecle en Russie," in Collection Irénikon (Gembloux: Editions de Chevetogne, 1956), 28,396-405; 29, 28-46, 151-164.
- "History's Lessons for Tomorrow's Mission: Orthodox Missions in the Middle Ages," The Student World 1 (1956), 99-104.
- "Khronika. 'Zoi,'" Le Messager. The Messenger. Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia, 4 (43) 1956, 45-48.
- "Uchenie o khriste i TSerkvi u sv. Ignatiia Antiokhiiskogo," Le Messager. The Messenger. Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia, 4 (43) 1956, 17-23.
- "Bibliografiia. ierarkhiia i narod v Pravoslavnoi TSerkvi," Le Messager. The Messenger. Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia, 4 (39) 1955, 36-41.
- "Les Biens ecclesiastique en Russie, des origines au XVI siecle," Irenikon 28 (1955), 396-405.
- "Doctrine of Grace in St Gregory Palamas," in Greek, Gregorios ho Palamas, 37 (1955), 19-31. [Trans. of: "Doctrine of Grace in St Gregory Palamas," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 11:2, 17-26]
- "L'Eglise et communauté des fideles dans l'Eglise Orthodoxe," in L'Evèque et son Eglise (Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 1955), 94-103.
- "L'Espérance Chrétienne -- Point de vue Orthodoxe," Bulletin Cercle Saint-Jean-Baptiste, 1955, 2-4.
- "L'évèque et la communauté des fideles dans l'Eglise orthodoxe," Dans le recueil: L'Evèque et son Eglise, Cahiers de la-Pierre-qui-vire, Nouvelle Série (1955), 94-103.
- "Un mauvais theologien de l'unité au XIV siècle: Barlaam le Calabrais," in 1054-1954. L'Eglise et les Eglises. Etudes et travaux offerts a Dom Lambert Baudouin, vol. 2, (Chevetogne, 1955), 47-64.
- "L'origine de la controverse palamite: la prémiere lettre de Palamas a Akindynos (Introduction et texte)," Theologia 25 (1954), 602-613, 26 (1955), 77-90.
- "Pravoslavie v Sirii Livane," Le Messager. The Messenger. Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia, 2(37) 1955, 35-47.
- "St Gregory Palamas' letter to Akindynos," in Russian, The Orthodox Thought X (1955), 113-126.
- "Les debuts de la controverse hesychaste," Byzantion 23 (1954), 87-120.
- "Doctrine of Grace in St Gregory Palamas," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 11 (1954), 17-26.
- "Liturgiia i prichashchenie," TSerkovnyi viestnik Zapadno evropeiskoi eparkhii 2 (47) 1954.
- "Pechal'noe deviat'sotletie (1054-1954)," Le Messager (Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia) 3(33) 1954, 3-9.
- "Prot. A. Shmeman, 'Istoricheskii put' Pravoslaviia'," Le Messager. The Messenger. Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia, 2(32) 1954, 27-38.
- "Le thème du 'retour en soi' dans la doctrine palamite du 14e siecle," Revue de l'Histoire des Religions 145 (1954), 188-206.
- "Catholicité de l'Eglise," Syndesmos 8 (1954), 6.
- "The Church and the Kingdom of God," in Russian, The Messenger of the Russian Student Christian Movement 1,5 (1954).
- "Une lettre inédite de Grégoire Palamas a Akindynos," Theologia 24 (1954), 1-28.
- "U istokov spora o Filioque," Pravoslavnaia mysl'. La Pensée orthodoxe, 9 (1954), 114-137.
- "TSerkov' i TSarstvo Bozhie," Le Messager. The Messenger. Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia, l (26) 1954, 16-20.
- "Arkhiereiskie tituly episkopov nashego Ekzarkhata," TSerkovnii viestnik Zapadno evropeiskoi eparkhii 4 (37) 1952, 15-19.
- "Photios and the Roman Church," in Arabic, An-Nour, Beirut, 1952.
- "Pavlovskiia torzhestva v Gretsii," TSerkovnyi viestnik Zapadno evropeiskoi eparkhii 5 (1951), 21-24.
- "The Sacrament of the Word," Sobornost' 3 (1951), 395-400.
- "The Sacrament of the Word: II. The Bishop in His See," Sobornost' 3 (1951), 432-436.
- "The New Encyclical of Pius XII," Russian, TSerkovnyi viestnik Zapadno evropeiskoi eparkhii 27 (1950).
- "O sovremennom katolichestve," Le Messager. The Messenger. Vestnik Russkogo studencheshogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 6 (1950),13-16.
- "La procession du Saint-Esprit chez les peres orientaux," Russie et Chretiente 3-4 (1950), 158-178.
- "Tserkov" i istina," Le Messager. The Messenger. Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizheniia 3 (1950),11-16.
- "Konstantinopil' i Moskva," TSerkovnyi vestnik Zapadno evropeiskoi eparkhii l6 (1950), 5-9.
- "The New Dogma of the Catholic Church," in Russian, TSerkovnyi viestnik Zapadno evropeiskoi eparkhii 21 (1949).