Alumni News

Archpriest John Erickson honored by Catholic University of America

Archpriest John Erickson

Archpriest John Erickson, professor emeritus of Church History and former dean of St. Vladimir's Seminary (2002-2007), was presented with the prestigious Johannes Quasten Award by The Catholic University of America's School of Theology and Religious Studies. Fr. John was recognized for excellence in scholarship and leadership in Religious Studies.

Following the presentation of the award on January 30, 2019, Fr John offered a lecture entitled:  "Baptism in Eastern Christian Tradition: Ecclesial Context, Faith Content."

Established in 1985 as the only academic award given by The Catholic University of America (CUA)’s School of Theology and Religious Studies, the Quasten Medal is named after the Rev. Johannes Quasten, a professor of religious studies who taught at CUA for more than thirty years until his retirement in 1979. Quasten published more than 100 books and articles and is mostly known for his four-volume “Patrology,” a standard reference in the field of ancient church history and historical theology.

St. Vladimir’s Seminary wishes Fr. John and Matushka Helen Erickson many years!

(A section of this article has been reprinted from The Catholic University of America website)