
New Leadership Team Brings Renewed Focus to St Vladimir’s Seminary


July 9, 2024—St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary (SVOTS) has entered a new phase of leadership, following this summer’s retirement of seminary president The Very Rev. Dr Chad Hatfield. The new leadership team is undertaking steps to ensure a smooth transition and renewed focus on the seminary’s mission during this important stage for SVOTS’ future.

Effective July 1, Academic Dean Dr Ionuţ-Alexandru Tudorie has assumed the additional role of interim president and CEO of SVOTS, to which he was unanimously appointed by the seminary’s Board of Trustees.

“It is always difficult and challenging when a long-tenured and respected leader, such as Fr Chad Hatfield, who has worked tirelessly and faithfully for the Church and the seminary, moves on,” said Dr Tudorie. “We find ourselves at a crossroads as we look ahead to new leadership. It is not the seminary’s first such moment, nor will it be the last; but we do have the opportunity for a fresh look at how best to do our work as an academic institution at the service of the Church. We find ourselves in a position to recommit to a model of teaching in service to the Church that is Christ-centered, student-focused, and education-driven.”

Dr Tudorie will lead the faculty and staff as SVOTS continues its comprehensive search for Fr Chad’s successor, led by His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon as chairman of the Board. His Beatitude is chairing a President Search Committee, as mandated by SVOTS’ bylaws. The Board of Trustees also appointed a Transition Committee to assist with and ensure a seamless transition.

“I’ve come to know Alex Tudorie as a brilliant, skillful, and dedicated man of the Church, and I’m thrilled to be a part of the seminary's future under his leadership,” remarked seminary professor Dr Peter Bouteneff, a long-serving faculty member of SVOTS. “I am also deeply grateful for Fr Chad's solid tenure as president over these seventeen years, laying the foundation for an exciting new chapter in the seminary’s life—and his own in his well-earned retirement.”

Additionally, The Right Rev. Archimandrite Jeremy Davis, an alumnus of SVOTS (‘04), is now serving as the executive chair of the Board of Trustees. He was recently elected to succeed outgoing executive chair Dr Nicholas Pandelidis, who has devoted many years of faithful service to the seminary on the Board (as a trustee from 2005–2020 and 2022–24, serving as executive chair since 2023). Fr Jeremy is the incoming archiepiscopal vicar for the Diocese of Toledo and the Midwest, in the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America.

"As a seminary alumnus, an avid reader of SVS Press, and an archdiocesan administrator who depends on the seminary to meet the needs of our parishes, I am committedheart and soulto St Vladimir's Seminary’s mission,” stated Fr Jeremy. “We are facing some big challenges, but our board of engaged and talented trustees, our world-class faculty, our diligent staff, and especially our tireless and selfless interim president are up to task."

Dr Tudorie and Fr Jeremy have begun the initial steps of transition at the seminary by working in collaboration with SVOTS employees, the Transition Committee, and other consultants. A key emphasis of the new leadership team is strengthening working relationships within a conciliar and transparent model of governance, with greater attention to balance between the mutually dependent, mutually supporting roles of faculty and staff.

Jeffrey Hoff, a longtime trustee and former treasurer, is chair of the Transition Committee. “As we forge ahead into the future at St Vladimir’s Seminary, we are blessed to have Dr Tudorie’s leadership, complemented by the vast and deep pastoral leadership of Fr Jeremy, executive chair,” he said. “Since first joining SVOTS in 2018, Dr Tudorie has brought renewal and strength to the academic department. His respect for our community—students, faculty, and staff—and his unwavering commitment to SVOTS’ mission herald a bright period of transition for our beloved institution, promising a legacy of academic excellence and spiritual growth.”

“We seek your prayers as we work to ensure the seminary’s educational priorities can be fulfilled by a team that works collaboratively in the service of Christ and His Gospel,” added Dr Tudorie.

More information regarding the succession search will be made available in coming weeks.


Photo: (Front, left to right) Seminary Professor Dr John Barnet, Transition Committee Chairman Jeffrey Hoff, Academic Dean & Interim President/CEO Dr Ionuţ-Alexandru Tudorie, Board Executive Chairman Archim. Jeremy Davis, and CFO Andrew Schachtner convene in the seminary board room to meet with trustees (pictured on screen) through Zoom.